The 32nd Annual General Meeting of Delta Life Insurance Company Limited was held on Thursday, the 21st June 2018 at Delta Life Tower, Plot # 37, Road # 90, Gulshan Circle-2, Dhaka-1212. The Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Monzurur Rahman presided over the meeting. In the meeting the shareholders of the Company approved the Annual Accounts, Balance Sheet and 25% Cash Dividend for each share of Tk.10.00 for the year 2017.
Welcoming the shareholders, the Chairman gave a brief speech on the performance and the achievement of the Company during the year 2017. He said "Our strategy is to provide quality insurance service to the people of Bangladesh, and the best investment returns to our policyholders and shareholders too”. The Company earned a premium income of TK.625.10 crore, investment and other income of TK.345.41 crore in 2017. The life fund of the company stands at Tk. 3,674.22 crore in 2017 he added.
Among others, Directors of the Company Mr. Aziz Ahmed FCA, CISA (USA), Mr. Zeyad Rahman, Mr. Kazi Fazlur Rahman, Mr. Mohammad Shams-Ul Islam, Mr. Saif Khondoker and Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Adeeba Rahman, ACII (UK), other high officials and a large number of shareholders were present in the AGM.